NexMotion  1.4.0
Open Robots & Machines [WIP]
Todo List
Module Axis_API

Add description to NMC_AxisSetSpeedRatio, NMC_AxisGetSpeedRatio

Module Axis_Motion_Termination
This group name is duplicated in pdf manual.
Module Axis_State

Add the description for NMC_AXIS_STATE_GROUP_MOTION

Module Device_Enable_Disable
Add description for NMC_DeviceResetStateAll (empty in official pdf manual).
Module Group_2D_Motion

Add description to NMC_GroupCirc2BEx function

Module Group_3D_Motion

Add description to NMC_GroupCircBEx function

Module Group_Jog_Motion_PCS
Update description of Tcp & Pcs Frame function.
Module Group_Status_Mask

update the definition of constants

Class MemEntryInfo_T
update with more detial.
Module Memory_Entry_Info

update the definition of constants

Module Msg_Type_Size

update the definition of constants

Member NMC_GroupGetDriveAlmCode (I32_T DevID, I32_T GroupIndex, I32_T GroupAxisIndex, I32_T *PRetAlmCode)
Add more description. The original definition is empty in official pdf manual.
Member NMC_GroupSetVelRatio (I32_T DevID, I32_T GroupIndex, F64_T Percentage)
check velocity percentage maximum value (100 or 1000).
Member NMC_WriteOutputMemory (I32_T DevID, U32_T OffsetByte, U32_T SizeByte, const void *PValue)
Update the description of PValue
Module RCFG

update the definition of constants

Class RCfg_T
Add the description for struct RCfg_T
Class RCPos_T
Add the description for struct RCPos_T
Module Safety

update the definition of constants

Module Sefety_Mode

update the definition of constants

Module Tool_Base

update the definition of constants

Page User Manual

update content of chapter 1.3.1.

update content of chapter 1.3.2.

Update 2.2 Axis parameters table

Update 2.3 Group parameters table

Module Watchdog_Mode

update the definition of constants