NexMotion  1.4.0
Open Robots & Machines [WIP]
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAPos_TThe data types related to motion in Axis system, which is defined in NexMotionDef.h
 CCoordTrans_TThe data structure to descibe the transformmed reslationship between two coordinate system
 CCPos_TThe data types related to pose in Cartesian space, which is defined in NexMotionDef.h
 CMemEntryInfo_TA data structure is used to describe the information of memory entry
 CNmcMsg_TA data structure is used to describe the system message
 CNmcTime_TA data structure is used to describe the system time
 CPos_TThe general data types related to motion, which is defined in NexMotionDef.h
 CXyz_TThe data types related to motion in Cartesian system, which is defined in NexMotionDef.h