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Robot Arm Library [WIP]
This is the complete list of members for rb::kin::Artic, including all inherited members.
a | rb::kin::Artic | protected |
alpha | rb::kin::Artic | protected |
Artic() | rb::kin::Artic | |
Artic(const rb::math::VectorX &a0, const rb::math::VectorX &alpha0, const rb::math::VectorX &d0, const rb::math::VectorX &ini_theta, const rb::math::VectorX &uplimit0, const rb::math::VectorX &lowlimit0) | rb::kin::Artic | |
Artic(std::vector< rb::kin::Link * > &links, rb::math::Matrix4 base=rb::math::Matrix4::Identity(), rb::math::Matrix4 tool=rb::math::Matrix4::Identity(), rb::math::Vector3 gravity={0., 0., rb::math::GRAVITY}, std::string manufactor="None", std::string model="None") | rb::kin::Artic | |
base_tf_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
d | rb::kin::Artic | protected |
dof_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
forwardKin(const rb::math::VectorX &q, const bool update=true) override | rb::kin::Artic | virtual |
frames_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
getA(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
getAlpha(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
getArmPose(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
getBase(void) const | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
getD(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
getDOF(void) const | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
getLowLimit(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
getTCP(void) const | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
getTheta(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
getTool(ArmPose &tool_pose) const | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
getUpLimit(void) const | rb::kin::Artic | |
gravity_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
homoTrans(double &A, double &alpha, double &D, const double &theta) | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
inverseKin(const rb::math::Matrix4 &world_tcp_tf, rb::math::VectorX &joints, ArmAxisValue &all_sols) override | rb::kin::Artic | virtual |
inverseKin(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, const double &roll, const double &pitch, const double &yaw, rb::math::VectorX &joints, ArmAxisValue &all_sols) | rb::kin::Artic | |
KinematicChain() | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
KinematicChain(std::vector< rb::kin::Link * > &links, rb::math::Matrix4 base=rb::math::Matrix4::Identity(), rb::math::Matrix4 tool=rb::math::Matrix4::Identity(), rb::math::Vector3 gravity={0., 0., rb::math::GRAVITY}, std::string manufactor="None", std::string model="None") | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
links_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
low_lim_ | rb::kin::Artic | protected |
manufactor_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
model_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
preCheck(const int &njoint, double &rad) | rb::kin::Artic | |
setBase(const rb::math::Matrix4 &base) | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
setDOF(void) | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
setLowLimit(rb::math::VectorX &low_lim) | rb::kin::Artic | |
setTool(const ArmPose &tool_pose) | rb::kin::KinematicChain | |
setUpLimit(rb::math::VectorX &up_lim) | rb::kin::Artic | |
solutionCheck(ArmAxisValue &sols) | rb::kin::Artic | |
solvePitchPitchIK(const double &th1_rad, const rb::math::Vector4 &p0, const std::vector< bool > &config, ArmAxisValue &all_sols) | rb::kin::Artic | |
solveRowPitchRowIK(const double &th1_rad, const std::vector< bool > &config, const rb::math::Matrix4 &flange_tr, ArmAxisValue &all_sols) | rb::kin::Artic | |
theta | rb::kin::Artic | protected |
tool_tf_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
up_lim_ | rb::kin::Artic | protected |
world_tcp_tf_ | rb::kin::KinematicChain | protected |
~Artic() | rb::kin::Artic | |
~KinematicChain() | rb::kin::KinematicChain | virtual |