Here is my note about how to use vim with ctags in Windows system.

Vim ctags in Window

This note also published in my gist:

Frist, need to have vim and install tagbar plugin in windows system.

  • Simplely, I install git and use git bash with vim.
  • Construct vim setting in HOME directory (~/.vimrc).
    Could use `$ echo $HOME` to find out HOME directory set by git.

Second, add ctags in PATH which could find by git bash.

  • Download (pre-complied binary file inside) from ctags website.

  • Put ctags.exe in a directory, whose execution path is recognized in Windows (for me: GIT_DIR/usr/bin/).

    Could use `$ echo $PATH` to find out where to put ctags.exe.
  • Now, ctags should work in vim if you use tagbar.

